Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Children and Nightmares-ET and Night At the Museum

I thought I had passed this phase in my life with my little girls. We'll for the last few days after my older daughter watched ET, my younger one who caught some glimpses of it, now has nightmares. She has become so attached to me in the last week, it's nothing like I have ever seen before. She wants all the lights on all the time and holds my hand whenever she can. Last night after a sucessful run of no accidents in the bed, she had one. She even comes into my room every night and wants to sleep with us. The end result, even if you're child is not watching the movie but is in the same room doing something else, they can still have those nightmares as if they watched the whole thing. She thinks there are aliens in the house. I know spouses disagree with things from time to time but to make my point, I was against this movie from the beginnning!

So how do you correct the problem? Although this is another setback in our daily routine, it will pass. Children really believe it's real so you should take extra care in helping them get through it. Be selective about choosing movies. Think about how the kids will react. If they start to cover their eyes, then it's time to stop watching. However, we did go to the Night at the Museum and she loved it, but I guess you never know.

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